Is Yoga a Sport?


Is yoga a sport? Whether you are an active yogi or just thinking about doing yoga, you most likely wondered about it. This is one of those always-present questions that seem to be circulating for quite a long time. As a holistic practice, yoga has many aspects to it. The physical form of exercise is … Read more

Do Leggings Stretch Out?


 You order those picture-perfect leggings, and they arrive, but when you try them on, they seem too tight. The next thing you do is search Do Leggings Stretch Out in hopes of the solution. Well, you came to the right place. Luckily, there is more than one way to stretch out those tight leggings. On … Read more

Does Yoga Make You Taller?


 It’s not uncommon for people to feel taller after doing yoga. That begs the question – Does yoga make you taller? Yoga is known to help people relieve chronic pain in their bodies, stretch their spine, and improve posture. Most of the people who practice yoga noted feeling more refreshed after yoga practice. There is … Read more

Do Leggings Shrink in the Dryer?


If you ever asked yourself, “Do leggings shrink in the dryer?” it’s probably for one of two reasons. The first one is that your favorite leggings got stretched out to the point that they’re unwearable. So, logically, now you’re looking for a way to shrink them to the original size. Another possible scenario is that … Read more

Yoga Pants vs Leggings Explained!


It is very often that we see the terms yoga pants vs leggings used interchangeably. That explains the confusion created around the difference between these two types of clothing. Not only are leggings and yoga pants different in materials, but they are also used for different purposes. If you think of this as unrequired nit-picking, … Read more

15 Unexpected Benefits of Yoga!

Sure, everyone knows that yoga can help you achieve better balance and stretch your body. I am certain you have heard a dozen times how yoga is one of the most beneficial practices you can do. However, there are some unexpected benefits of yoga that many people are not aware of. In the latest years, … Read more

Is Yoga Aerobic or Anaerobic?


There is no doubt that yoga is one of the best possible exercises for many groups of people. However, if you’re just beginning your business journey, you might not yet understand many terms that are constantly thrown around. Chances are you don’t know is yoga aerobic or anaerobic, or what do these labels even mean. … Read more

Yoga vs Gym


The yoga vs gym dilemma is always present either among avid gym-goers or among yogis looking to spice up their routine. Especially in times of prolonged periods of lockdown, fewer people had access to the gym and proper exercise equipment. This is what made less demanding bodily practices, like yoga, even more popular. Yoga and … Read more

Yoga for Increasing Breast Size


While other benefits of yoga are widely known, using yoga for increasing breast size sounds like a novelty. For a lot of women, increasing breast size is just one of many ways for them to increase their confidence. Some are searching for a way to tighten the chest area, whereas others want to reach a … Read more

10 Disadvantages of Yoga You Should Know!

Doing yoga is one of the best things you can do for your spiritual and physical health. However, many people overlook the potential disadvantages of yoga. Yoga is extremely popular, and when you look at all of its good sides, it’s easy to see why. This exercise is an excellent choice for everyone wanting to … Read more